Do you love your creator? Love your fellow-beings firstTrue modesty is the source of all virtuesGod is One, and liketh unity

Thursday, 24 May 2012


HARAM is only that what ALLAH has forbidden in Quran.
No molvi or mufti can make things from Halal to Haram.
No molvi or mufti can over write the Law of Quran by churning Haram activities to Halal.
In this reference only verse related to the word "haraam" are mentioned 
HARAAM means forbidden, prohibited and unlawful.
The word HARAAM is used for inviolable ordinances and prohibitions of Allah.
1.      Marrying a woman without her consent is forbidden [4:19]
2.      Killing anyone without HAQ [or just cause] is HARAAM [17:33, 25:68]
3.      Fawahish are HARAAM [Immodesty, Lewdness, Obscenity; Abominable, evil, bad, foul or unseemly things or acts; Excess, exorbitance, or transgression of the proper bounds or limits; (Things leading to) adultery or fornication; Niggardliness, tenaciousness, and avarice ] [7:33]
4.      Adultery or fornication is HARAAM [24:3]
5.      Riba is HARAAM [interest or usury] [2:275]
6.      Marrying with the following women is HARAAM: Your mothers, daughters, sisters, father's sisters, mother's sisters, brother's daughters, sister's daughters, foster-mothers who have ever nursed you, foster-sisters, your wives' mothers, your step-daughters unless you have divorced their mother without being intimate with her. Also forbidden are women who have ever been the wives of your sons. You are not allowed to keep two sisters in wedlock at one time except what has already happened in the past. Also forbidden to you are women who are already married, except those women who have sought asylum with you against their disbelieving husbands at war with you [4:23-24]
7.      [Eating] any Animal that dies itself [2:173, 6:145, 16:115]
  • [Eating] any Animal that has been strangled to death [5:3]
  • [Eating] any Animal beaten to death [5:3]. 
  • [Eating] any Animal that dies by falling from height [5:3]. 
  • [Eating] any Animal gored to death by horns [5:3]. 
  • [Eating] any Animal eaten by a wild animal unless you are able to slaughter it while it is still alive [5:3]. 
  • [Eating] any Animal that which is sacrificed on altars (devotional stones or blocks in shrines considered sacred) [5:3].
8.      [Drinking] blood [2:173, 6:145, 16:115]
9.      [Eating] the flesh of swine [2:173, 6:145, 16:115].
10.  [Eating] anything (not just meat) that has been dedicated to anybody/anything other than Allah (such as an idol, grave or saint) [2:173, 6:121, 16:115].
11.  [Eating anything on which Allah's name has not be pronounced [while slaughtering] is also forbidden {5:4}]
12.  Dividing the meat through raffling and games of chance {Azlaam} [5:3]
In cases when one is forced by necessity [and there is danger of death], those things which are HARAAM for eating in normal circumstance, can be eaten without wilful disobedience nor transgressing the limits [2:173, 5:3, 6:145, 16:115]. This exception is applicable only to eating and no other HARAAM thing is allowed in any circumstances.
Based on the above verses any person who holds balancing sense of understanding English language can  easily say car insurance is Haram or not..?

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